Looking for a business or a service? Members of our Community have used the following vendors and service people and have been happy with the results.
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This page was last updated: October 26, 2022
Payson Pines Homeowners Association, Inc.
The Payson Police Department will check on your home while you are gone.
The Payson Police Volunteers will patrol your home daily for up to a month at no cost to you. This service is only available for a month at a time; not for leaving a summer home vacant for months. The officers will check your property in a marked car, getting out to walk around the home. To sign up for this service, call the Police Department's non-emergency number, 928-474-5177. The police advise you to fix any doors or windows locks that need repair, stop all deliveries and arrange for a trusted neighbor to pick up items if needed, and write down the names and numbers of where you will be.
Offering plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting and staining, and general handyman services. "If it's worth doing - Do it right the first time"
Call or email for a quote. References provided upon request.